Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just another Sunday.....

Yes, another Sunday quickly dissolving into Monday.. I woke this morning at 7:15 and removed my aching body from my bed and headed for the kitchen to make my weekly ritual pot of coffee. This week it is Tanzania Peaberry freshly ground. Who knows how fresh the beans are; since they were purchased at Target. It's not as mild as the Costa Rica peaberry I buy from Gevalia. Maybe that has to do with freshness, maybe not, since I have no idea how fresh Gevalia's coffee is. Another ritual is reading the Sunday paper and browsing ads that I have no intention of taking advantage of since most of the ads are the same every week and don't really offer any true savings. I've begun to wonder why I bother, perhaps just to waste another day doing nothing of value?
Tonight is the new season of Desparate Housewives. I can't wait. It may be the first night of Dexter too, will have to check. I don't have Showtime, am still debating whether to subscribe for this one show. Seems like such a waste. I subscribe to Netflicks and have gotten more than my share of good use from that less than ten dollar monthly charge. Can't say the same for the Showtime cost of twelve bucks a month for Dexter and movies I've seen or don't care to see. I don't think they change their movie list ever, just rotate the same old movies every few months and call them new. I swear they even change the names and think we won't notice.
God, it's already 1:50 p.m. and here I sit. I am enjoying a rather unusual mix of music from Pandora via my Netflix/Roku subscription. Haven't even gotten to the ads in the paper yet. I got side tracked for whatever reason googling my own name and then playing around with my blogsite. I thought they were supposed to have added new features to use for creating a blog. It seems to me the template choices are far less. I still have trouble with it. Talk about wasting a few hours.
So this is how my Sundays usually go. All the passing notions of calling a friend or relative or starting/finishing a project or God forbid, cleaning house, are just that, a passing notion,  forgotten in the next turned page of an advertisement or in the change of a TV channel, the flush of the toilet or the urging of the dog to refill his bowl. So goes my Sunday and
On to Monday and finding new ways to wile away the hours.

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